Energy Mexico3


Lucian Pugliaresi Presents at the Energy Mexico Oil Gas Power 2019 Expo & Congress

Photo: Panelists for the Session on Energy Implications of the new U.S. Mexico Canada (USMCA) Trade Agreement (Left to Right) Jesus Seade Kuri (Key NAFTA Negotiator for the Administration of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador), Ildefonso Guajardo (Former Minister of Economy and Chief Negotiator of NAFTA), Carlos Pascual (Senior Vice President, Global Energy, IHS Markit), Herman Franssen (Panel Chairman, Executive Director,  Energy Intelligence Group), Lucian Pugliaresi (President, Energy Policy Research Foundation), Moisés R. Kalach Balas (Coordinator of the Strategic International Business Council, Consejo Coordinador Empresarial)   Lucian Pugliaresi made two presentations in Mexico City at the Energy Mexico Oil Gas Power 2019 Expo & Congress, a key event for the entire value chain of the Mexican energy sector.  He made presentations on a panel discussion on the new U.S. – Mexico – Canada (USMCA) trade agreement as well as a panel evaluating the implications of shifts in national energy policies.  His two presentations can be found here and here.