On the Loss of Harry Rowen

He has been a Director at EPRINC since 2007 and remained active pursing his research interests on China at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University. More importantly, he is someone our Chairman Darius Gaskins and I have known, in and out of government, since the 1970’s. I recently had lunch with Harry and his wife Beverly at the faculty club at Stanford and, as always, he was optimistic, intellectually challenging, and full of interesting ideas. He was still writing a twice monthly blog on China. We will miss his intellectual contributions and, more importantly his friendship. We extend our condolences to his wife Beverly and his entire family. Please see the obituary on Harry in the Washington Post here.

On a very sad note, EPRINC lost an old friend on November 12th. Henry (Harry to his friends) Rowen passed away in Palo Alto at the age of 90.

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