Larry Goldstein: The Heart Wants What the Heart Wants

The November meeting was too early and the price level was too high to have expected the Saudis to agree to a reduction in supply.

However, the market is fast taking the price to a level that will trigger a crisis management response from the organization. The Saudis, who wouldn’t go it ALONE, might be willing to go ALONG with a credible cut from others, particularly if the meeting were to be called by the newly elected President of OPEC from Nigeria.

The next OPEC scheduled meeting is in June. The next final date for the P-5+1 negotiations is now in June. OPEC, Iran and Putin are now on the clock…tic, toc, tic, toc.


The heart wants what the heart wants, but like the Shadow, the market knows what the market knows, and markets are impatient. The next formal OPEC meeting is in June and there are some who believe that OPEC will wait until then to deal with the imbalance in the market between supply and demand. OPEC may want to wait but it will be the price set in the market that will dictate this calendar.