EPRINC LogoItaly in USEmbassy of Italy

EPRINC’S Presentation and Roundtable Discussion at the Italian Embassy [May 28, 2015]

EPRINC would like to thank the Italian Ambassador and his staff for their support of this event.  Please email EPRINC at contact ‘at’ eprinc.org if you would like to be invited to future events (space permitting).

From the latest EPRINC Embassy Series Event at the Italian Embassy: EPRINC’s Keynote Presentation Delivered by Trisha Curtis, Panel Discussion Moderated by Lucian Pugliaresi.

Biographies of the panel members and EPRINC President Lucian Pugliaresi, as well as a brief description of the event, are available below.

An abridged version of Trisha Curtis’ presentation, ‘Sustaining North American Production in a Low Oil Price Environment,’ is also available below.