EPRINC Welcomes A. Liang as a Distinguished Fellow

EPRINC is fortunate to announce the addition of A. (John) Liang, Founder and CEO of Edge Consulting as a Distinguished Fellow. Mr. Liang is a graduate of Nanjing University, has a long publication record, and has close ties to the broader Nanjing academic community. He has undertaken several assessments evaluating energy development and trade flows between the U.S., Europe, and China. Before founding Edge Consulting, he worked for several years for a Fortune 500 company. Of special interest to EPRINC is Mr. Liang’s extensive knowledge of trade flows in critical energy commodities, including LNG, crude oil, and petroleum products.  As EPRINC heads into its third-year assessment of the “Future of Asian LNG,” gaining an understanding of actual developments on the ground in China, from regulatory changes to new demand patterns, will provide a unique perspective on China’s role in world oil and gas markets. Mr. Liang’s firm provides extensive support for trading operations, consulting services, and international business support for Chinese firms and their trading partners.

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