EPRINC’s Emily Medina Presents at Wilson Center Event

On March 5, 2019, EPRINC Non-Resident Fellow Emily Medina spoke at a Wilson Center event called “The Outlook for Mexico’s Energy Sector under the AMLO Administration.” Her presentation covered Mexico’s natural gas trends, including the natural gas trade between the US and Mexico, natural gas demand in Mexico, the pace of the pipeline build-out, and the main risks and opportunities facing Mexico’s energy sector under AMLO.
Emily argued that the key risks facing Mexico’s natural gas projects are: increased state control over Pemex & CFE; uncertainty over the development of oil & gas resources; potential cut in US gas imports; & natural gas supply disruptions & electricity shortages. Opportunities, she said, include a liberalized energy sector and an increased need for private sector investment and participation in energy infrastructure, particularly in storage for energy security reasons.
Emily’s presentation can be found here, and for a link to the web page for the event which includes a video recap and the agenda please click here.