Trisha Curtis, non resident fellow at EPRINC and co-counder of PetroNerds, presents at OPEC/IEA/IEF Workshop

Trisha Curtis, who headed EPRINC’s upstream effort for the last five years, left EPRINC in January 2016 to work full-time with her own company, PetroNerds. She is now a Non-Resident Fellow with EPRINC living in Denver and will be contributing, from time to time, to our upstream research efforts.

PetroNerds is a boutique energy consulting firm engaged in customized research on US oil and gas markets at level of individual wells, companies, and plays. The firm also performs asset evaluations, and puts current US shale oil developments in a global context.

On March 16th, Trisha gave a presentation to a joint workshop of OPEC, the International Energy Agency, and the International Energy Forum Vienna, Austria. Her presentation at the workshop can be found at the following link:

Trisha Curtis, formerly with EPRINC, recently presented at an OPEC/IEA/IEF Workshop.